A second Global COVID-19 Summit will be held next month, and the midterm variant is right around the corner.
We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Covid-19 was used to rig the 2020 election. Everything from the alteration of election laws in states like Pennsylvania, to allowing people to list themselves as indefinitely confined in Wisconsin. The greatest crime in American History happened on November 3rd 2020, and Covid-19 was the lie that allowed it to happen. Now of course we’ve all speculated that “they’re going to do the same thing in 2022” and with election season right around the corner, I do believe we’re beginning to see the writing on the wall.
…It’s coming!
Mind you, I don’t have a crystal ball and I cannot predict the future. But, what I do know is that the Democrats are polling in the toilet, and without utilizing the same mass scale mail in ballot scheme, coupled with drop boxes, ballot harvesters, and massive ballot dumps at 3AM, they will be absolutely demolished. In a free and fair election, we would certainly see a “Red Tsunami” the likes of which we have never seen before
So, logic would tell me that the people in power are going to do EVERYTHING they possibly can to prevent that from happening. And keeping the Covid-19 lie alive is the only way they can pull it off. I have a feeling, we’re about to see them RAMP UP THE FEAR PORN and pull out every single trick that they have at their disposal!
And why the hell wouldn’t they?
Despite the fact that we’ve LITERALLY had video evidence of Ruby Freeman pulling ballots out from under skirted tables, and despite having evidence literally coming out of our ears for 15 months, they’ve (so far) successfully pulled off a rigged presidential election without a single person being held accountable for it.
So why stop there? Why not go for broke? Especially when everything is at stake! A red wave would not only mean losing power, but impeachments, investigations and prosecutions! And they can’t afford to allow that to happen.
Now, that brings us to today! The White House Announces the Second Global COVID-19 Summit On May 12th!
This is the second Global Summit. The first Global Covid-19 Summit took place in September 2021 with participation from over 100 governments, international organizations, the private sector, the philanthropic sector, civil society, academia, and other stakeholders.
And What Was Their Goal in September 2021?
“Ending the Pandemic, and ensuring that 70 percent of every country has been vaccinated by September 2022.”
…Hmm. Have they met those goals? …No. Not even close!
Currently, between 50-60% of the world’s population is vaccinated, and despite the fact that the United States purchased 1.1 billion Covid-19 vaccine doses for global use before 2023, they’ve only shipped HALF of them. So, do you think they’re going to give up and just back off? Do you think they’re going to admit defeat and let all these precious jabs and money go to waste? Hell no!
Now Comes The Global Summit in May 2022!
Their key items of focus? “Getting shots into arms; deploying tests and treatments, especially for the highest-risk populations; expanding and protecting the health workforce and minimizing disruptions to routine and essential health services; and generating sustainable financing for pandemic preparedness, health security, and health systems.”
Now here’s the (not so) funny thing. Immediately following the announcement of the Summit comes the FAKE NEWS reporting; “the BA.2 subvariant begins to take hold in several areas of the US.”
You mean the Omicron variant that has killed like, -10 people? Are they serious?! And here’s the even crazier part. As they try to claim that cases are on the rise, the thing is… They’re NOT! Even their own bullsh*t inflated numbers show that cases are at an all time low!
So what is going on? How the hell do they plan to get all of these people to become scared again, despite the fact that Covid is practically non-existent?
Can you say “New Variant”?!
…There is one single sentence in the White House Announcement that stands out to me like a sore thumb, and that is "We know we must prepare now to build, sustain, and finance the global capacity we need, not only for emerging COVID-19 variants, but also future health crises,"
Ahh, there it is! They’re practically telling us what they’re going to do! “emerging Covid-19 variants” and “future health crisis”. So, they’re going to start pumping the federal funding, and either 1) rev up the PCR tests with the current non-lethal Omicron variant to make it appear that cases are on the rise, OR 2) they’re going to;
Either way, all they need to do is start pushing the NARRATIVE that Covid still exists, and we’re all going to die unless we vote by mail... That’s all they needed to do in November 2020 to pull off the scheme. If you’ll remember, at the time of the election we weren’t even locked down. They just had to tell people that scary Covid was afoot, and that was enough to justify the massive push for early voting, mail in ballots, etc.
And they only needed the major cities in 4 states to believe it!
So, now as we head into the midterms, we see the NYT reporting “another Covid Surge is Coming”, videos from Shanghai of harsh lockdowns, Philadelphia bringing back their mask mandate, and Fauci is telling us that lockdowns are a way to get people vaccinated… All of the signs are there that they’re clearly going to try! The question is, will it work? Are the American people REALLY going to allow this a second time?
…I mean, we allowed it once!
But Here’s the Difference! NOW the People Are Awake!
NOW we know their entire playbook, and CLEARLY they haven’t come up with any new tricks! The dynamics have changed, the powers have shifted, and their propaganda is hardly effective anymore! I don’t believe for a second that Americans would EVER tolerate another lockdown. And something tells me that if you’re not ALREADY vaccinated, you probably never will be! So unless they release the black plague within the next few months, they aren’t going to have much success!
And that’s what makes this so interesting. They’re on the ropes, being forced to try to pull off the same scheme again, and push with everything they’ve got! They’re FORCED to go for broke, with NO political capitol. No credibility! They’re forced to push the people past their limits at a time when we’ve all absolutely had enough!
…This is going to get interesting!