MORE 'Not So' Shocking Evidence of AG Brnovich's Corruption Revealed!
Brnovich KNEW the fraud would happen in Arizona before the election, and did NOTHING to prevent it!
Many long time listeners know, I have been calling this guy out from day one. While I was met with a lot of criticism initially for casting doubt over a situation which many were still clinging to for a semblance of hope, the further we got away from the September 24th audit presentation, and the more months went by without any activity, it became clear to many, that this guy wasn’t going to be the hero we’d hoped for. He was failing to act!
We FINALLY received an interim report from the Attorney General’s Office 6 months after the audit findings were given, which indicated that CLEARLY, Brnovich has no intention of doing jack… Besides swinging his numbchucks of course.
But it actually gets worse! A LOT WORSE!
Not many people know this, but Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich was actually presented evidence of a massive ballot trafficking operation, similar to True The Vote’s evidence, in August 2020 just after the primaries!
Did you catch that?! August 2020 was BEFORE the 2020 general election!
“Two men in Yuma County, Arizona, Gary Snyder and David Lara, busted a local ballot trafficking operation using undercover cameras during the 2020 Primary Election. Lara and Snyder recorded and photographed ballot traffickers stuffing ballot boxes on the day of the August 4th, 2020, Primary Election.”
Let me say this one more time… Brnovich had conclusive and substantial evidence of a massive, outcome changing ballot harvesting operation in his possession before the election ever happened. Pictures, videos, identities, you name it!
David Lara himself said, “They could have stopped this”.
But did he stop it? NO! …So what DID he do? Lara told the Gateway Pundit the extent that Brnovich investigated this, and according to Lara, Brnovich conducted only a few phone interviews;
“I gave him all the information, 22 years worth of information, and I explained that ballot harvesting is very intricate and it is a professional criminal organization. These are not amateurs. These are people that have been doing it for many, many years. It is well structured, and it is like I’ve said before, Rudy Giuliani would have been perfect for this investigation because it mirrors the mafia, the Italian mafia in New York. It has ranks. It has different levels of infrastructure. They have different levels of authority, and it trickles all the way up to the top, and when I say all the way to the top, I’m talking about state and federal levels.”
WOW! So Brnovich knew all of this, and what did he do?! I’ll tell ya... Jack diddly squat! He basically just allowed the fraud to happen in November, and then waited until AFTER to file charges against ONE person in December!
Remember this?!
Guilty Plea Entered In Arizona Ballot Harvesting Case Exposed By Local Residents
“A woman in Yuma County, Arizona, Alma Yadira Juarez, has pleaded guilty to her role in a local ballot trafficking operation during the 2020 primary election.
Juarez will only face a class 1 misdemeanor and no jail time for the offense.”
Why did he wait until DECEMBER to file charges, when he had this evidence in August? Why didn’t he sound the alarm of what he knew, and attempt to stop it from happening?! Why was he was out in public during the count in Arizona telling everyone that there was NO evidence of fraud? Why did he say that Trump didn’t stand a chance against Biden, based on the numbers?
(Don’t believe me? Take a listen)
Baseless claims of voter fraud rejected by State Attorney General Brnovich - YouTube
He then went ahead and certified the election right next to Katie Hobbs and Doug Ducey. And when claims continued to come out alleging fraud, what did he do? He opened a 2 day investigation into “sharpie gate” concluded there was no fraud, and called it a day!
So clearly this guy was only concerned with finding out what Gary Snyder and David Lara knew, not for the sake of holding people accountable, but to help aid and abet the criminals, and cover their tracks! I’d say this guy was nothing more than a Bill Barr for the state of Arizona.
The question is, will he get away with this? Well, one thing is for sure, and that is that he is about to be EXPOSED BIGLY! And that’s because these two fellas that caught the ballot trafficking operation in August 2020 will be featured in Dinesh Dsouza’s 2000 mules! And apparently, they have MUCH to tell us about the criminal enterprise in Arizona, and Brnovich’s inaction.
Something tells me, history won’t be so kind to guys like ol RINOvich. Something tells me, this will come back to haunt him… Just a hunch.
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I look forward to seeing 2000 Mules... and Brnovich's name up in lights.. Thank you Nick! (I wonder why I haven't heard this before - The cameras, 20 years of gathered evidence, etc)