"Paper Shortage" A New Scheme to Subvert The 2022 Midterms!
We’ve all seen the push for the federal government to get involved in elections via massive election overhaul bills like HR1 and the “Voting Rights Bill”. Essentially, they’ve tried to make legal the election practices used in 2020 that were justified by Covid-19 on a national scale. These initiatives thankfully failed in Congress due to the fact that they are completely unconstitutional, (and thanks to the filibuster). However, there is a NEW narrative unfolding right under our very noses, which seeks to increase federal involvement in elections, and enable the Democrats to subvert the 2022 midterms.
You may have already taken notice of the so called “paper shortage” that affected Pennsylvania’s primary races. Voters across the state reported precincts with only 10 Republican ballots, while others ran out midway. This resulted in thousands of voters being turned away at the polls. In Lancaster County, Pa., there was an issue with over 22,000 mail-in ballots which could not be processed by the Dominion machines, because the paper vendor (allegedly) “printed the wrong barcode”.
Paper shortages and “malfunctions” caused havoc in Pennsylvania, and I’m here to assure you, this is no coincidence. This is by design, and is being orchestrated by the Democrats to achieve a nefarious agenda.
POLITICO reports:
“A paper shortage is looming over the 2022 elections.”
“Pandemic-induced paper mill closures caused paper prices to skyrocket.”
“State elections offices are having such a hard time finding paper that they could face missing legal deadlines for mailing ballots and notices in the upcoming elections.”
On May 19, 2022, “Experts” testified before the U.S. Senate
This roundtable hearing was titled “Administration of Upcoming Elections”.
Tammy Patrick of the left-leaning “Democracy Fund” stated that officials are “facing a critical shortage of paper needed for election materials like ballots, mail-in vote envelopes, voter instruction materials and poll books.”
Her concerns were echoed by many, including the Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin, who urged federal officials to invoke the “Defense Production Act” to compel paper mills to prioritize election materials.
“This is a crisis that demands immediate attention and bipartisan action,” Ardoin said. “It is not an exaggeration to say that if this situation is not handled, it could lead to a serious erosion in the confidence of our elections.”
CEO of Runbeck Election Services Jeff Ellington said “paper costs have gone up 40 percent in the last few years”. “It’s not just getting the paper, it is getting the truck drivers.” Jeff claims that he’s had orders ready to deliver but no drivers to haul them.
They’re Calling On Congress to Intervene!
Democrats and other operatives are trying to utilize a “paper shortage” to lobby the federal government into overseeing the midterms. While Republican lawmakers are criticizing the outside funding that came from Mark Zuckerberg’s CTCL in the 2020 election, Democrats are saying ‘That’s fine, then YOU fund us.”
CO Secretary of State, (the one trying to throw Mesa Clerk Tina Peters in prison) said “Officials need funds from Congress on a more regular schedule,”
As we speak, the Center for Tech and Civic Life is running ads on the internet, and in newspapers across the country urging members of Congress to perform the role that the CTCL did in 2020. Zuckerberg wants the feds to provide the infrastructure, drop boxes, etc. this time around.
They’re also trying to use this “paper shortage” as a means to justify early voting!
This “paper shortage” narrative serves multiple purposes, (as do most orchestrated crisis). For one, it creates a massive amount of chaos in the primaries to justify federal intervention by the time we get to the general election. It also provides a cover story for election officials who fail to provide chain of custody documentation and other records following the election. And finally, it creates a justification to expand early voting, and avoid jurisdictions from moving away from machines and on to paper ballots.
These bastards are crafty I tell you. Look alive patriots!
Credit goes to Jennifer Asper for calling this out in advance, and bringing this to my attention.