This Roe V Wade thing seems a bit suspicious don’t you think? A leak like this has never happened before in history! And while conservatives are celebrating this historic moment, you have to ask yourself, what’s the end game here?
This looks good on the surface, but what’s the catch?
I’ll tell you what I think in a moment, but first let’s reminisce on the “Summer Of Love”.
…1967 was a time of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll.
100,000 young people created a counterculture anti-war movement in protest of the Vietnam war.
This countercultural movement was referred to as “The Summer Of Love”.
Now compare and contrast that to what happened in 2020, when a series of violent mobs erupted in protest of the death of George Floyd. This was ALSO referred to as “The Summer Of Love”.
Can you spot the difference?!
BLM and Antifa completely leveled cities, killed several people, and caused roughly $2 billion in property damage across the country. The WOKE mob labeled the death of George Floyd an act of white supremacy, and the Democrats campaigned feverishly off of the idea that the United States was a racist country.
These monsters were fueled by propaganda, covered for by the media, and encouraged to be violent. They were enabled by corrupt mayors, governors, District Attorneys etc. The whole thing was used to create a state of lawlessness, raise political capital and remove President Trump.
Everyone was told that the civil unrest was because of institutional racism, and because Trump’s a Nazi, and it would all get better if you just vote blue! BLM, and other related organizations pulled in $10.6 billion in donations, and much of this money went directly to fueling the Democrat machine!
And now, as the 2022 midterms are right around the corner, we see more civil unrest brewing following the unprecedented “SCOTUS leak”. This sure comes at a convenient time, don’t you think? Do you really think this is an accident? I don’t.
Rachel Carmona, the president of the Women's March said that if Roe V Wade is overturned, “We will be ungovernable until this government starts working for us, until the attacks on our bodies let up, until the right to an abortion is codified into law.' This will be a summer of rage!”
They’re on national TV, openly calling for a “SUMMER OF RAGE”.
“Planned Parenthood, Women's March and other abortion rights groups organized more than 400 “Bans Off Our Bodies” marches for Saturday, with the largest turnouts expected in New York City, Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta and Houston.”
Oh you mean all the biggest crime areas? The Democratic strongholds with George Soros bought DA’s and sheriffs?! I wonder if Soros funds the nonprofits too…
This Summer of Rage thing has a historical context. That’s not a new phrase.
The Summer of Rage was the name given to some of the worst race riots in US history 50 years ago, in Newark and Detroit.
In 1967, two white police officers beat a black cab driver and thousands of rioters flooded the streets, looting businesses burning everything down. Sound familiar? It got so bad they had to deploy several thousand police officers and National Guardsmen.
26 people dead, scores more injured, and tens of millions of dollars in property damage.
So this is what they’re telling us out in the open is going to happen again if Roe V Wade is overturned…
We haven’t even seen the decision, and already, domestic terrorists are protesting outside the houses of Supreme Court justices, trying to intimidate and threaten them. This is the actual definition of domestic terrorism!
Now bear with me. This might sound crazy, but I think the Democrats WANT Roe V Wade to get overturned. I think this whole thing, including the SCOTUS decision itself, is being orchestrated to aid the Democrats.
And I’ll tell you why.
Listen to what Big Mike Obama recently said:
“We don't have to stand idly by while others try to turn back the clock on progress,' she continued. 'I'm so inspired by everyone out marching today. And I know that we're going to see so many folks carrying this energy forward to the elections in November and in every election after that.'
'If any of you are questioning whether or not your vote matters, I get it. But remember that state lawmakers are the ones who will determine whether abortion is safe, legal, and accessible in your communities. And we are the ones who determine our state lawmakers.”
Are you getting it yet?
Think about it.
Overturning Roe V Wade turns abortion into a state issue, and then what happens?
Well, of course we have MORE riots. But we also have the mainstream media propaganda machine calling Republicans a bunch of bigots that hate women, and want to control their bodies. Suddenly, the economy doesn’t seem so important. The Democrats get the white suburban votes, the black votes, the young votes.
And as we’re all preparing to vote for our state legislators and senators, every single democrat will have a platform, a distraction, and a MASSIVE grift in 2022. The campaign money will be flowing from a fountain.
Now, I want Roe V Wade overturned just as much as the next guy. I think it’s always been a state issue, but I’m telling you, while it might seem like the best thing in the world, this is actually gonna play right into their hands!
Not to mention, the George Soros of the world plan to use mass civil unrest to move the agenda of the World Economic Forum.
So at this point, you have to ask yourself, was the whole thing coordinated for these very reasons?!
I think so…
Wow, 9 Foot Nick, your insight is persuasive and intuitive. I have no doubt you’re correct. That’s such a terrifying thing to contemplate! Mike Obama should be indicted for inciting violence. Maybe she should have a jail cell like the 1/6 folks that were invited into the White House. Maybe she should not have access to her attorney, decent food, medications, nail clippers, a haircut, her family, or sunshine for a year. Maybe she should be subjected to a kangaroo court like the unlawful 1/6 committee. Do you think she would be so excited to start more violence in democratic blue cities? Perhaps she would enjoy being shoved into a cell with no bedsheets or pillow, naked for four days and nights like one woman was. She thinks violence is so much fun that she is willing to encourage and promote that to young, dumb, impressionable people who have no ability to consider consequences to their own generation, much less anyone else’s. Wow, Nine Foot Nick, what do you think?