Why not give the voter a copy of the ballot results to take home, and also the RNC and DNC also get a copy of the ballots....you would have an audit rolled into voting day everytime....if there were a issue, the ballots would already be handcounted by the RNC and DNC to compare and cross verify

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I believe they are admitting the machines can be hacked....but insist they haven’t been hacked in the past....because they fully plan to accuse hacking of the machines for all the losses they will have in Nov. They will then accuse & blame republicans for bringing all these vulnerabilities to light & will somehow screw up the entire election process.

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Nick, maybe I am mistaken, but I think that the issue with the QR-code, in GA anyways, is that the code violates state statutes because the voter cannot verify the code reflects what they voted. I think the QR is a static mapping, so it is just going to reflect what is on the ballot. But the ballots may have changed. I picked that up from voterGA.org

The 2nd thing I would mention is that in the world of cyber security, keeping the Halderman report sealed is incredibly unethical. Pretending that Halderman is the only one capable of finding the exploits is pure fantasy. I think the standard procedure is to keep the exploit secret for 2 months, and allow the vendor to correct the problems. If the exploits do not get corrected, everything gets released.

Look back at the breach of Sony et al ... let alone Solar Winds, which I think was used in some Dominion software (and had a monumental breech at the same time of the 2020 election). The security breeches can be occurring for literally years without anyone being detected. CISA and other government technology "experts" are a joke, along with the 51 intelligence officials who signed a letter claim the Laptop from Hell was Russian disinformation.

I just recently found you. Keep up the great work!

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Report from 2008 shows same findings: Dominion Voting Systems ImageCast X was rebranded from Sequoia Voting Systems after purchase of Assets.


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I remember reading how some actually following the tally as it was coming in saw almost 1 million Trump votes actually disappear between 2 and 3 AM in Pennsylvania. Then you have this BS story:


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Nick, wanted you to as englebright says, ‘connect the dots’. Question: how does server in China ‘get the data’....communication between servers on separate continents is thru a satellite....also ask yourself who is behind the ‘Vatican observatory’ in AZ? 10x more decisive might be implied war with the Vatican. But i think we have to rescue the vatican as it is just as infiltrated as FBI. Dont assume you know who the black hats are.....

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