Maricopa Makes SHOCKING Admission In 2022 Election "Root Cause Analysis"
Why aren't more people talking about this?
On Monday, Maricopa County released a “root cause analysis” from THEIR OWN investigation into the printer failures that plagued the 2022 election.
The investigation was led by former Arizona Supreme Court Justice Ruth McGregor. Ruth was commissioned in February of this year by the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office to do this investigation.
You can find the full report here
Maricopa County Attorneys’ sole job is to keep Maricopa County out of jail. So, needless to say, MCAO hand selecting an investigator to do a root cause analysis is a bit of a conflict of interest, don’t you think?
Before we proceed, you should know that Ruth McGregor did not examine ANY election day ballots. Instead, her team printed and tabulated 9,100 TEST ballots on “randomly” selected printers and tabulators.
There were 12 printers tested in total. Five Oki B432 printers from sites with known problems; five Oki B432 printers from sites with no known problems; and two Lexmark printers for comparison purposes.
Only the Oki B432 printers experienced issues, whereas the Lexmark printers experienced virtually none. It’s important to note that Lexmark printers were predominantly used in areas with HIGH voter turnout… “They assign the Lexmark printers to the vote centers that are open for the most days for early voting.”
So, right off the bat, when you consider that the printer failures seem to have affected predominantly Republican areas, this could have been a contributing factor. Scott Jarrett is the one who decides which printers go where…
That also could have been a contributing factor… We’ll come back to that…
Now, let’s break down this report.
I’m sure you can already guess the result of this “investigation”. In summary, Maricopa County investigated themselves and found that they did nothing wrong.
The main conclusion here, is that the reason 61% of the machines failed on election day was because the county used 100lb ballot paper, and a 20-inch ballot which placed excess stress on the Oki B432 printers, resulting in poor printer quality…
The report alleges that when you use a thicker paper, and a longer ballot, the printers have a hard time maintaining enough heat to bind the ink onto the paper. When printer quality is poor, the tabulators have a hard time reading the timing marks on the side of the ballot.
Thus, the tabulators reject the ballot…
Before we deconstruct this bogus explanation, let’s first explain why Maricopa chose to use a thicker ballot in the first place.
In the 2020 election, Maricopa claims that they used 80lb ballot paper, (which is obviously thinner than 100lb paper). The reason they upgraded from 80lb to 100lb paper in 2021 was to avoid further conspiracy theories that sharpies bled through ballots i.e. “SharpieGate”.
Hmm… So, they increased the ballot thickness because they wanted to avoid a repeat of SharpieGate, which according to them, is a baseless conspiracy theory. And in an attempt to avoid election deniers from spreading false claims about bleed through, they caused 61% of machines to reject ballots, and half of the country to believe the election was stolen…
Make sense? …No? I didn’t think so…
As a side note… I don’t believe for one second that Maricopa even used 80lb paper in the 2020 election. If they did, then sharpies would not have bled through ballots; A phenomenon which we know for a FACT occurred.
80lb paper is fairly thick and is certainly thick enough that the mere use of sharpies would not cause bleed through to the extent that we saw in 2020.
Interestingly, this report confirms the fact that sharpies do not bleed through 80lb paper. The investigators explain that they ran a test using 80lb paper and found 0 bleed through! That’s right… 0 bleed through.
So basically, there was no need to upgrade the ballot thickness from 80lb to 100lb. If Maricopa had simply used 80lb ballot paper in 2020 and 2022, then there would have been 0 bleed through, and 0 SharpieGate conspiracies. Their justification for increasing the ballots thickness is a complete and total lie, and a deflection from the fact that they did not use the proper ballot paper in 2020. During the Arizona audit, experts discovered that there were at least 16 types of paper used in 2020, none of which was the “vote secure” paper that they were SUPPOSED to use…
But I digress… Anyways…
The explanation provided in this report for why 61% of the machines rejected ballots in 2022 is also a farce. The notion that this was a result of ballot thickness is in direct contrast to the explanation given by Kari Lake’s expert witness Clay Parikh.
During Kari Lake’s trial, Clay Parikh alleged that after conducting an analysis of a small sample of election day ballots, Lake’s legal team discovered that there were 19-inch ballot images printed on 20-inch paper, and that THIS was the cause of ballot rejections. Parikh explained that a shrunken ballot image would displace the timing marks on the side of the ballot and cause the machines to misread and reject the ballots.
Parikh found 19-inch ballots on 20-inch paper in EVERY voting precinct that he examined.
Parikh further explained that the fact that there were 19-inch ballots printed on 20-inch paper was no accident. Especially considering that this phenomenon occurred across multiple voting precincts. Parikh explained that there were only two possible explanations for how this occurred.
There was a 19-inch ballot image created either by the Maricopa County Election Department, or someone else.
Someone with administrative level access would have had to alter the settings within the ballot on demand printers.
On the first day of Kari Lake’s trial, MCED Scott Jarrett swore under oath, that there were no 19-inch ballot images. The next day, he testified that the 19-inch ballots were actually the result of someone “accidentally” selecting “shrink to fit” within the ballot on demand printer settings…
An explanation which Clay Parikh found ridiculous…
What are the chances that someone in each jurisdiction independently selected “Shrink to Fit” by accident? It seemed pretty clear that Maricopa County was trying to dodge culpability from the obvious fact that these ballot on demand printers were intentionally altered to disrupt the election.
And now we have a report from Maricopa which aims to further exonerate Maricopa County from culpability, and blame the whole thing on machines, rather than intentional FRAUD.
The report from Ruth McGregor attempts to explain away the machine failures as a result of paper thickness, and neglects to explain why there were 19-inch ballot images printed on election day.
This report also fails to explain whether or not the 19-inch ballot phenomenon contributed to ballot rejections on election day.
However, despite the obvious attempt from Maricopa County to avoid culpability and blame paper thickness, the investigators that authored this “root cause analysis” report have made several DAMNING admissions, which actually CONFIRM Clay Parikh’s testimony.
There are admissions in this report which are so damning in fact that I wonder if they even KNOW what they’ve admitted to…
Let’s just cut to the chase and jump to the biggest one…
Let me direct your attention to two sentences on page 12.
WOAH! Wait a second, did they just say what I think they just said?
Let’s read that again…
“During our testing, four printers randomly printed one or a few “fit to page” ballots in the middle of printing a batch of ballots. None of the technical people with whom we spoke could explain how or why that error occurred.”
When they refer to “fit to page” ballots, one can only assume they’re referring to 19-inch ballots. The investigators default to using Scott Jarrett’s terminology to explain this 19-inch ballot phenomenon, despite having 0 reason for doing so.
The reality is, there were 19-inch ballots being printed at RANDOM, and NO ONE KNOWS WHY THIS OCCURRED! 4 printers randomly printed 19-inch ballots. That’s a pretty significant finding, wouldn’t you agree?!
This is not something that just randomly happens… These printers did not gain a mind of their own and decide to shrink the ballots down an inch…
I seriously doubt anyone accidentally selected “shrink to fit” during the investigation, and I seriously doubt that the investigators had a 19-inch ballot image on hand without noticing. At this point, it should be clear that these printers were programmed to do this!
Let me remind you that the investigators only examined 12 BOD printers in total… “Five Oki B432 printers from sites with known problems; five Oki B432 printers from sites with no known problems; and two Lexmark printers for comparison purposes.”
So, they only examined 5 problematic printers. 4 out of 5 of those problematic printers were randomly spitting out 19-inch ballots!
Do you know how big of a deal this is?
The fact that the investigators try to gloss over this shocking discovery, while providing little to no additional information is mind blowing. I have so many questions… For instance…
Exactly how many 19-inch ballots were printed?
Were the 19-inch ballots printed in increments? For example, every 10 ballots? Every 50 ballots?
Were these the same printers that experienced issues on election day?
Were these printers used in predominantly Republican areas?
Were these ballots rejected by tabulators?
What serious investigator would neglect such important details? And what are we supposed to conclude from this, other than the fact that Clay Parikh’s testimony was 100% accurate…
This report ALSO claims that there were WILDLY different error rates from one Oki printer to the next…
So, let’s get this straight… They’re the same exact make and model, printing the same exact ballots with the same exact settings, but only SOME of them had problems?!
Anyone with an ounce of deductive reasoning, and a willingness to look beyond the bogus explanations provided by Maricopa County can see that the most likely explanation for all of this, is that these printers were intentionally programmed to experience these issues.
And when you consider the fact that Scott Jarrett gets to hand select which printers go where, you begin to see how EASY it would be for someone with a nefarious agenda to place “faulty” printers in predominantly Republican vote centers.
Considering that this “root cause analysis” was commissioned by Maricopa’s own attorneys, I’m surprised that they would even MAKE such shocking admissions. However, this report is lacking in so many ways. Any investigation that fails to examine the actual election day ballots and determine the impact of 19-inch ballots is not an investigation, but rather a deflection.
These criminals are hoping that you will passively accept this report, overlook these crucial details, and allow them to exonerate themselves from any culpability. They’re attempting to blame the whole thing on the machines and call it a day. My hope is that you will take the information in this article and demand answers.
Please share this information far and wide! Thank you.
Break Maricopa County into 3 counties.
Yes, it was for sure a stolen election.
Maricopa law shifted from traditional American justice under Sheriff Joe, to that of Stalin's Russia under George Soros. You really do need to fix this. Not just fix it, but arrest and prosecute the perps.
We used to have a home down there. We sold it.