Excellent, thought provoking, and very scary. A well written substack Nick. I bet you never thought you’d be writing stuff like this 2+ years ago… And I sure as hell never expected to be reading stuff like this 2+ years ago! ~Suzette

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Listen to Glenn Beck. He has been telling the World about the Great Reset for many Years.

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Love Glenn Beck. Just purchased his book on The Great Reset.

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Hi Nick, great article. I appreciate that you took the time to synthesize it’s many parts into an article that’s digestible and shareable. I think you would be interested in a piece of this story - how Schwab and friends managed to take over corporate communications and advertising. I was a director at the corporation they leveraged to do this….when this all began going down in 2020, I began exploring my ex-company’s involvement and what I found was pretty wild so I wrote up the story, included all the links needed to document it. Now I’m looking back 2 years realizing I underestimated the magnitude of what I identified. It’s more relevant than ever knowing what we know now. And now I fully grasp that it was no coincidence that the Chairman of WPP’d much younger ex-wife happened to be a marketing director for the WEF. This woman was a piece of work - framed her husband, had him thrown off the Board of the company he founded, and used that company to implement all the great reset marketing communications we’ve been seeing for 2 years under the direction of Schwab.

I’m not a blogger, but would love someone to pick this up and run with it. Fully documented and linked. If you want to chat with me, LMK and I’ll find a way to connect. For obvious reasons, the name on the Google drive housing this article is not my real name.


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Your right

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With regard to the stated transhumanism agenda stated by theses people and if I am incorrect in any of this please let me know.

Essentially involves the creation of tech that will allow for the forward and back movement of information from the biological to the digital. Including but not limited to a persons full set of senses, whether by increasing them or creating full new experiences.

This is being presented as an amazing opportunity to citizens of the world as to what is coming and possible.

However if this is true it can also be used in the opposite and I don’t want to scare anybody but how about the real life sense of drowning or burning etc.

Does anybody really believe that this new world government would be totally moral and without malice.

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Yes, a very good expose of the globalists plans. However, there seems to be a missing component. GOD. God is the creator of everything that is. He raises up nations, kings and leaders. And He puts down nations, kings and leaders. Why do we think that the nations of the world have come to this point of potential destruction? We have turned our backs on God. We thought we could do it better without Him. We didn't want to do it His way. So God's enemy AND ours has gladly come through the open door. We welcomed him with open arms. We loved his promises of the pleasures of sin and selfishness. We were blinded to the consequences of surrendering our lives to the god of darkness. God Himself has told us the wages of sin is death. And make no mistake we are at the precipice of death. We have offered our children to the god of death, molech so we could have unfettered sexual pleasure. If it feels good, do it. We have welcomed the corruption of every strata of society so we could continue our comfortable lifestyles. Just don't "rock my boat". Is it too late? I don't think so. But WE must do our part. We must repent (turn away from) of our sinfulness. We have all sinned. Christians and non Christians. We must all come to realize we need Jesus. Without Him we have no hope. He has already paid the price but we must cry out to Him for forgiveness and mercy. He's waiting for us. How far do we have to go before we hit rock bottom? How bad does it have to get before we come to our

senses? Why would ANYONE choose the vicious, evil hatred of satan over the love, mercy and grace of God Almighty? Choose you this day who will be your God. Today is the day to choose life.

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The first thing is that you didn't mention Israel or #NameTheJew. The second thing is that nobody will ever really fight back against it, because that would be too good to be allowed to happen. The only thing that ever occurs is Eternal Misery.

/pol/ is always right.

Ashes and Echoes

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Listen to Glenn Beck. He has been telling the World about the Great Reset for many Years.

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The news articles trashing "QAnon" are intentional and disinformation. President Trump gave me Q clearance in the QResearch back channel four years ago. The news media knows I exposed all the names, of government "swamp" and hollywood "elite" in Epstein's flight log.They also know I exposed Nancy Pelosi in the underground rooms, of Epstein island, caught on security camera ch11. There are no coincidences why I have all the "declassified" information. I'm not a conspiracy theorist or a domestic terrorist.I am a disabled American patriot. I was chosen to serve my country and expose the truth. It took courage exposing a worldwide,demonic trafficking/pedophile ring, involving the Vatican, government, hollywood and the royal family.I exposed all the demons and their dirty little secret drug (andrenochrome) derived from adrenalized blood.China is the largest exporter of fetanyl and the drug andrenochrome. The drug fetches more cash than the purest heroin.This wasn't about democrat vs republican. The news media are "knowingly" ignoring the truth.I was entrusted to expose everything for a reason.This was a military intelligence operation.The "swamp" got caught and nothing can stop what is coming.President Trump told me to trust the plan and justice is coming🦁🇺🇸 John 3:16 #MAGA

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